
“This book is an invaluable source of information for anyone who is serious about health issues” The Sunday Times, London


“This book merits a four-star rating” Health and Fitness Magazine, UK


“Linda Lazarides doesn’t put a foot wrong. She won’t give you any advice that isn’t sound and well-founded” Dr Damien Downing, Senior Editor, Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine


>>This textbook is excellent! It covers many topics I will need to refer to as I prepare to get more involved in Natural Medicine as a Naturopathic Doctor....easy, interesting, and informative reading!


>>Your book has changed my life. My family remembers me barely able to walk.


>>One of my favorite books.


>>I have been on the diet for 2 days now and have lost over 6lbs already. I have not seen my legs this small in a long time.

Multiple sclerosis

From The Nutritional Health Bible by Linda Lazarides (1997). This free database is provided for interest only. Linda's later writings refer to more up-to-date research.

Some causative factors
  • Dental mercury toxicity
  • Lyme disease (caused by tick bites) can masquerade as multiple sclerosis
  • Selenium deficiency.

Blood findings were compared in multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers who had had their amalgam (silver) dental fillings removed and those who had not. MS subjects with amalgams were found to have significantly lower levels of red blood cells, haemoglobin, haematocrit, thyroxine (thyroid hormone), T-lymphocytes and T-8 suppressor cells and serum IgG. The amalgam group also had significantly higher blood urea nitrogen and hair mercury, and had sufferered significantly (33%) more exacerbations of their illness during the past 12 months. Siblerud RL et al: Evidence that mercury from silver dental fillings may be an etiological factor in multiple sclerosis. Sci Total Environ 142(3):191-205, 1994.

In a comparison of the mental health of 47 multiple sclerosis (MS) sufferers with amalgam (silver) dental fillings, compared with 50 whose fillings had been removed, the amalgam group sufferered significantly more depression, anger, hostility and obsessive-compulsive behaviour. Siblerud RL: A comparison of mental health of multiple sclerosis patients with silver/mercury dental fillings and those with fillings removed. Psychol Rep 70(3 Pt 2):1139-51, 1992.

Promising nutritional research

Multiple sclerosis patients have low levels of the important antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GSH-P). A group of patients given high doses of vitamins C and E and selenium for 5 weeks experienced a five-fold increase in the activity of this enzyme. Mai J et al: High dose antioxidant supplementation to MS patients. Effects on GSH-P, clinical safety and absorption of selenium. Biol Trace Elem Res 24(2):109-17, 1990.